Heavy Duty Pine Bunk Beds and Bed Frames in Stock, Made in the UK

How to Make a Den in a Small Bedroom

How to Make a Den in a Small Bedroom

How to Make a Den in a Small Bedroom with a Bunk Bed

Dens are where kids plot to take over the world. They’re dream spaces, where imaginations soar, and playtime comes alive. Will it be a top-secret spy headquarters, a pirate’s hidden cove, or a shimmering fairy castle for the night? The possibilities are endless!


Here at Strictly Beds and Bunks, we know that for many children bunk beds are a bed-time adventure. And for parents with limited space, they can be a lifesaver. But did you know a bunk bed can also be the key to unlocking a world of creative den-making? With a few blankets, sheets, and some clever thinking, a bunk bed can become the ultimate secret world, even in the smallest of bedrooms.

Why Dens Matter - Unlocking Your Child's Inner World

Children’s dens aren’t just about blankets and crafting. Nicole Weinstein, a specialist in early years development suggests they’re about something far deeper. “A den is a child’s private kingdom, a world completely under their control, away from the watchful eyes of adults.”


Dens serve many purposes for children:


  • • Adventure Zones. Where dragons are battled, treasures are discovered, and daring escapes are plotted. These dens are fuelled by pure imagination and boundless energy.
  • • Cosy Retreats. A quiet and comfy retreat to curl up with a good book or a favourite teddy bear. A space for quiet reflection and processing the day’s events.
  • • Emotional Workouts. Inside their den, a child has the freedom to act out scenarios that may be too scary or complex for the “adult” world. Dramatising fears and uncertainties through creative play can be immensely powerful and can help children navigate their emotions in a non-stressful way.

Dens offer that rare gift – a space for children to exist entirely on their own terms. A space for dreaming, exploring emotions, and simply being a kid.

Building Your Den - A Parent-Child Adventure

Ready for some fort-building magic? Here’s how to create the ultimate bunk bed den:


The Bunk Bed Advantage


If you’ve got a bunk bed or cabin bed, you’re one step ahead! Those bunks are a ready-made den framework. Simply drape sheets and blankets over the top bunk, leaving the bottom bunk or under-bed space as your secret hideaway. It’s like having your own indoor fort!

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work


Younger children might struggle to create that perfectly enclosed den feel. Lend a hand. Let your child be the architect as you help gather the perfect “building materials” and bring their vision to life. Remember, it’s not a real den without a proper entrance! Make it a special ritual – maybe a draping blanket that can be lifted or a special “knock” to enter.


The Power of Play


Once construction is complete, the real magic begins. Respect the den’s special status; this is your child’s world. It’s time for adults to bow out and allow younger imaginations to run wild – so sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy the downtime!

Making Your Den Extra Cosy

Now that your den’s built, it’s time to add those comfy touches! Think fluffy cushions, snuggly blankets, and anything else that makes it feel inviting. Let your child choose what goes in to make their perfect hideaway.


For that extra special atmosphere, consider adding a battery-operated lamp or some fairy lights for a gentle glow.


Dens are even more fun when stocked with their favourite toys, books, or maybe some colouring supplies. Let them decide which treasures belong inside.


Finally, every good den needs some tasty treats! As the official Den Snack Supplier, make sure those adventurers have something to nibble on. And remember, always ‘knock’ before entering – this is their special space! Don’t be surprised if they’re too busy with their plans to explain everything going on – that’s the beauty of having a den!

Beyond the Den - Why Bunk Beds are Brilliant

Remember, while dens offer a world of wonder within your child’s bedroom, bunk beds open up so many other possibilities too! Here’s why a bunk bed is an investment you won’t regret:


  • • Space Savers. Bunk beds free up precious floor space, giving your child more room for activities and play – or even a dedicated study/craft corner
  • • Sleepover Stars. Bunk beds make sleepovers simple, turning any night into an instant adventure with friends.
  • • Storage Solutions. Many bunk beds come with clever built-in storage, perfect for tidying away toys, bedding, or out-of-season clothes.


From secret worlds to sleepovers, a bunk bed can be an integral part of childhood. With a little imagination and a parent’s helping hand, you’ll be giving your child an endless source of fun, creativity, and lasting memories.

Ready to find the perfect bunk bed for your family’s adventures? Contact us today to explore the amazing options at Strictly Beds and Bunks!