Heavy Duty Pine Bunk Beds and Bed Frames in Stock, Made in the UK

Why Bunk Beds Are A Great Way to Share a Room

Why Bunk Beds Are A Great Way to Share a Room

Your Ultimate Guide to Bunk Beds for Shared Rooms

Are your kids about to embark on the adventure of sharing a room? Bunk beds are a fantastic way to transform this transition into an exciting new chapter! Not only do they save precious floor space, but they also offer a world of possibilities for play, organisation, and personalisation.


Strictly Beds & Bunks is a leading UK supplier and manufacturer, so we have first-hand knowledge of the unique needs of families. With years of experience designing high-quality and innovative pine bunk bed solutions, we’re here to demonstrate why bunk beds are a great way to share a room.


In this blog, we’ll consider how bunk beds can turn a shared bedroom into a space for fun, creativity, and practicality. Whether you’re looking for extra storage, a built-in desk, or a unique layout, we’ve got you covered.

5 Reasons Why Bunk Beds Are a Great Way to Share a Room

Gone are the days when bunk beds were simply stacked beds. Today’s bunk beds are innovative, customisable, and designed to serve a variety of needs.


Whether you’re looking for clever storage solutions, integrated study areas, or unique configurations to maximise space, multifunctional bunk beds offer endless possibilities for creating a bedroom that’s both fun and functional.

1. Bunks Are More Than Just a Bed

The beauty of a bunk bed lies in its clever use of vertical space. By stacking beds instead of spreading them out, you instantly free up valuable floor space, opening up a world of possibilities for your children’s room.


Bunk beds transform unused vertical space into a functional sleeping area, leaving plenty of room for play, study, or even a cosy reading corner. This is especially beneficial in smaller homes where space is at a premium.

Bunks Are More Than Just a Bed

Sharing a room can be a wonderful opportunity for siblings to connect and create lasting relationships. Bunk beds provide a sense of togetherness while still allowing each child to have their own personal space. Each bunk often becomes a private space for reading, daydreaming, or simply enjoying some quiet time.

2. Bunk Beds - Storage in Shared Spaces

Sharing a room can be a whirlwind of toys, clothes, and personal belongings. But there’s a solution on hand! Bunk beds with integrated storage solutions, can be the key to an organised bedroom, helping you create a calm and clutter-free environment where your children have room to grow.


Many modern bunk beds come equipped with clever storage compartments that seamlessly blend into the bed’s design. These can include:


  • • Built-in Drawers – Perfect for storing clothes, linens, or toys.
  • • Under-Bed Storage – Use the space beneath the bottom bunk for larger items like suitcases or extra bedding.
  • • Shelves and Cubbies – Ideal for books, trophies, or favourite personal items.


By incorporating storage directly into the bunk bed, you can free up floor space that would otherwise be occupied by cupboards, toy chests, or bookcases. This allows for more room to play, create, and simply be a kid.

3. The L-Shaped Bunk Bed - A Clever Twist on a Classic

If you’re looking for a bunk bed that goes beyond the ordinary, the L-shaped design is an ingenious solution. By cleverly arranging the beds perpendicular to each other, this configuration opens up a world of possibilities for maximising space and functionality.


The L-shaped design creates a space below the upper bunk that can be transformed into a dedicated study area, a reading corner, or a small wardrobe. This is achieved by incorporating:


  • • Integrated Desks – Some L-shaped bunks come with a built-in desk that tucks neatly under the top bunk, providing a dedicated workspace for homework or creative projects.
  • • Wardrobes or Shelving – The corner space can also be used for storage, with options like built-in wardrobes, drawers, or open shelving.
  • • Reading Corner – Add a comfy chair or bean bag, a small table for a lamp, and some cosy blankets to create an inviting spot for your child to curl up with a good book.


The L-shaped layout naturally creates a sense of separation between the two sleeping areas, giving each child a more defined personal space. This can be especially beneficial for siblings who value their privacy or have different sleep schedules.

Bunk Bed with a Trundle

4. Bunk Bed with a Trundle - The Ultimate Sleepover Solution

If your family loves hosting overnight guests or your kids are entering the sleepover phase, a bunk bed with a trundle bed is a game-changer. This ingenious design features a third bed that cleverly slides out from under the bottom bunk, providing an extra sleeping space whenever you need it. The best part? When not in use, the trundle bed discreetly tucks away, maintaining the room’s spaciousness and functionality.

Strictly Beds & Bunks designs their bunk beds with sturdy construction and high-quality materials, ensuring they’re suitable for both children and adults. So whether it’s cousins, friends, or even grandparents coming to stay, everyone can enjoy a comfortable night’s sleep.

5. Triple Stack Bunk Beds - Space-Saving Fun for Three

When floor space is limited but the need for beds isn’t, a triple stack bunk bed offers an innovative solution. These towering structures feature three single beds stacked vertically, providing individual sleeping spaces for three children while maximising floor area for play and activities.


Using heavy-duty pine, Strictly Beds & Bunks’ triple stack bunk beds adhere to the current safety regulations (British Safety Standard number BS EN 747:2015A) and are engineered for safety and durability, ensuring a secure and comfortable bed for each child.

Ready to Transform Your Shared Bedroom?


Inspired by the endless possibilities of bunk beds? We invite you to explore the wide range of multifunctional bunk beds available at Strictly Beds & Bunks. From classic designs to innovative L-shaped configurations, from built-in storage to triple stack options, we have the perfect bunk bed to meet your family’s unique needs.