Heavy Duty Pine Bunk Beds and Bed Frames in Stock, Made in the UK

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Bunk Beds

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Bunk Beds

Avoiding Common Bunk Bed Blunders

Buying bunk beds is a big decision, especially when it comes to safety and comfort for your children. If you’re a first-time buyer, the options can be overwhelming. How do you know which bunk bed is built to last? What features are essential for safety? And what about the right mattress?


At Strictly Beds and Bunks, we really understand these concerns. We’ve been manufacturing and supplying high-quality, heavy-duty pine bunk beds for over 20 years, so we’ve seen it all. We want you to enjoy your bunk beds purchase right from the start, so we’ve compiled a guide to help you avoid the most common 5 mistakes to avoid when buying bunk beds.

1. Overlooking Safety Guidelines When Buying Bunk Beds

Due to their unique elevated design, some extra attention paid to safety when buying bunk beds. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of choosing a fun design, but safety guidelines need to be taken into consideration, too.


Why Safety is Non-Negotiable:


  • • Age Matters – It’s recommended that children under six years old should not sleep on the top bunk. This is because they’re still developing motor skills and balance, which can make them more prone to falls.
  • • Guardrails and Ladders – Check that your bunk bed has full-length guardrails on the top bunk and a securely fixed ladder. These are crucial for preventing mishaps during the night or when climbing up and down.
  • • Assembly Instructions – Carefully follow the manufacturer’s assembly instructions to ensure all parts are correctly fitted and secured. Incorrect assembly can compromise the bed’s structural integrity and lead to accidents.
  • • Regulations and Certifications – Choose a supplier who adheres to the latest UK safety regulations (BS EN 747) and is a member of FIRA (Furniture Industry Research Association). This ensures that your bunk bed is built to the highest safety standards and has been rigorously tested.


At Strictly Beds and Bunks, all our heavy-duty pine bunk beds meet or exceed the latest safety standards.

2. Measure Twice, Buy Once

It’s easy to fall in love with a bunk bed online or in a showroom, but before you click “add to cart,” grab your tape measure. Failing to measure your room can lead to a bunk bed that’s too big, too small, or simply doesn’t fit where you envisioned it.


Why Measuring is Essential:


Ceiling Height

Bunk beds, especially those with high guardrails or top bunks for older children, can be surprisingly tall. You need to ensure there’s enough headroom for the person sleeping on the top bunk to sit up comfortably and avoid bumping their head on the ceiling. A minimum of two feet of space between the top of the mattress and the ceiling is recommended.


Floor Space

Measure the length and width of the area where you plan to place the bunk bed. Make sure there’s enough room for the bed itself, plus space to walk around it and open any drawers or doors. Don’t forget to account for other furniture in the room.


Ladder and Access

If the bunk bed has a ladder, ensure there’s enough space for it to be safely extended and used. Also, consider how you’ll make the bed and change the sheets on the top bunk. Will you have enough space to manoeuvre?

How to Measure Your Room:


  1. 1. Ceiling Height – Measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling in the area where the bunk bed will be placed.
  2. 2. Floor Space – Measure the length and width of the area. Be sure to account for skirting boards that might add extra inches.
  3. 3. Compare with Bed Dimensions – Once you have your room measurements, compare them to the dimensions of the bunk beds you’re considering.
  4. 4. Visualise – If possible, use masking tape to outline the dimensions of the bunk bed on the floor. This helps you to visualise how it will fit in the space.
Measure Twice, Buy Once

Strictly Beds and Bunks offers clear and detailed dimensions for all our bunk beds and we’re happy to answer any questions you have about sizing and placement.

3. Neglecting the Mattress - It's Not Just About the Bed

Neglecting the Mattress - It's Not Just About the Bed

While the frame is important when buying bunk beds, don’t overlook the mattress. A good mattress ensures a comfortable and supportive sleep for everyone, especially on the top bunk.

What to Consider When Choosing Mattresses:


  • • Included or Separate – Some bunk beds come with mattresses included, while others require you to purchase them separately.
  • • Quality Matters – Invest in good quality mattresses for both the top and bottom bunks. A poor mattress can lead to back pain, discomfort, and restless sleep.
  • • Size is Crucial – Make sure the mattresses fit snugly within the bunk bed frames.

Types of Mattresses:


  • • Children – For children, a medium-firm foam mattress is often a good choice. It provides adequate support for growing bodies and is generally comfortable for a variety of sleeping positions. The ideal depth for a child’s bunk bed mattress is usually between 15-20cm.
  • • Adults – Adults may prefer a sprung mattress, which offers more support and can be better for pressure relief. The ideal depth for an adult’s bunk bed mattress is typically 20-25cm.

4. Choosing the Wrong Material - Think Long-Term

Bunk beds don’t have to be a fleeting childhood phase. They can be an investment in years of sleep and fun. That’s why the material matters.


At Strictly Beds and Bunks, we champion heavy-duty pine for its exceptional longevity, stability, and durability. Pine naturally resists warping and cracking, ensuring your bunk bed stays sturdy and safe through countless sleepovers and pillow fights.


But pine isn’t just practical—it’s versatile too. Its classic look complements any bedroom style, and it can be easily painted or stained to match evolving décor as your children grow.


Imagine transforming a playful pink bunk into a sleek, modern teen retreat with just a fresh coat of paint. With heavy-duty pine, your bunk bed isn’t just furniture; it’s a lasting fixture that you’ll use for years.

5. Not Choosing a Bunk Bed Specialist: Experience Counts

Buying a bunk bed is a significant purchase with safety and longevity implications. That’s why it’s crucial to choose a specialist, not just a general furniture retailer.


At Strictly Beds and Bunks, we don’t just sell bunk beds – we manufacture them, too. This means we have unparalleled expertise in every aspect of bunk bed design, construction, and safety. Our long track record speaks for itself, and we’re proud of the thousands of families who have trusted us with their children’s sleep.


But our commitment doesn’t end at the sale. We offer exemplary customer service at every stage of your journey. Whether you need advice on choosing the right size, have questions about assembly, or want tips on bunk bed care, our knowledgeable team is here to help. With Strictly Beds and Bunks, you’re not just buying a bed – you’re investing in peace of mind.

Ready to Choose Your Perfect Bunk Bed?

Don’t leave your bunk bed purchase to chance. Trust the experts at Strictly Beds and Bunks for safe, durable, and stylish bunk beds that will bring years of joy to your family.

Want to avoid the pitfalls? Contact us today and let us guide you towards a bunk bed that’s perfect for your needs.